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Automatically get an answer to every job interview question with ChatGPT AI software.

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Used for 10.000+ Job Interviews

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calling softwareYou can use ParakeetAI with any video calling platform including Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.Video tutorial: How to connect

We use a state-of-the-art transcription model that provides a highly accurate transcription in record breaking speed.
ParakeetAI uses GPT-4o, the best LLM model available, to provide the most accurate and helpful answers.
All Platforms
Works with any video
calling softwareYou can use ParakeetAI with any video calling platform including Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams.Video tutorial: How to connect

Speech Recognition
Blazing Fast Transcription

AI Answers
100% Accurate Responses

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1 Credit = 1h Interview Session
ParakeetAI AI Apply Agent
AI Agent
that will apply to jobs for you
Apply to hundreds of jobs in minutes by letting an AI Agent fully automatically answer screening questions and submit applications.Learn More

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